Apply for funding
The Landsteiner Foundation for Blood Transfusion Research (LSBR) supports fundamental research, including clinical and experimental investigations, in the field of blood, blood derivatives, and blood (related) diseases, provided that these topics are related to transfusion or blood cell transplantation.
This scope spans a wide range of subjects in the field of haematology, including haematopoiesis, haemostasis, immunotherapy, transfusion medicine, and other issues relevant to the field.
February 1, 2024
(23:59 hrs)
Pre-application deadline (closed for the 2024 round)
Electronic submission only, download form below. Use this form for both regular grants and fellowship grants. Fellow candidates should contact the bureau of the LSBR.
May 1, 2024 (23:59 hrs)
Approximately 6 weeks after February 1, applicants will be informed whether their proposal can be extended to a full proposal or not.
Full proposals are accepted after approval of pre-application only.
August 1, 2024
Early Career Grant 2024. Submission closed.
Information for 2025 will be available end of 2024.
May - October 2024
Review procedure by external reviewers and the LSBR Scientific Advisory Council.
October 14, 2024
25 year anniversary LSBR - Amsterdam.
End of November 2024
Decision on grants 2024 by Board of the LSBR.
Regular grant
The Landsteiner Foundation for Blood Transfusion Research offers project grants, focusing on advancing scientific research in the field of haematology, including haematopoiesis, haemostasis, immunotherapy, transfusion medicine, and other issues relevant to the field. These grants are designed for innovative projects that contribute significantly to the field. Each grant is evaluated based on its scientific merit and potential impact, with the LSBR providing financial support. Project grants are subject to review and monitoring to ensure progress and effective use of funds. With a commitment to fostering groundbreaking research, the LSBR ensures that each grant contributes to the wider scientific understanding and advancement within the aims of the LSBR. The maximum grant for a regular project proposal is 450,000 Euro.
Applicants will be informed on the selection of pre-applications. Selected applicants will be invited to write a full proposal. Those applicants will receive the documents “information for the applicant” and the "application form".
Fellowship grant
In addition to proposals for project grants, it is possible to submit proposals for an LSBR fellowship. These fellowships, for a period of five years, are intended for creative and talented researchers with postdoctoral experience trying to establish a new research line. Each year the LSBR will conditionally grant a single fellowship, carrying a maximum amount of 700,000 Euro over five years. The fourth and fifth year of the research plan will be granted after a positive assessment of the interim report provided during the third year of research.
Early Career Grant
The Early Career Grant is designed for emerging researchers seeking to establish a new line of investigation. Open to individuals who have recently completed their PhD studies, or will do so in the near future, the grant offers an opportunity to pursue independent research without the need for a supervisor. The grant supports proposals for up to two years, with a maximum allocation of 200,000 Euro. Additionally, short-term project proposals are considered under this grant. Recipients are expected to submit a final report at the conclusion of their research period. This grant encourages applications from researchers on a personal initiative, aiming to foster the development of innovative research lines by talented investigators in the early stages of their careers.
The document “information early career grant” informs how to fill in the full application form.
Only one pre-application per applicant will be allowed.
As is the case for full proposals, only pre-applications that fulfill all formal LSBR criteria will be eligible to enter the procedure.
Full applications will only be accepted after an approved pre-application.
Permanent employment of the Project Leader by the Grantee is not a requirement. For an LSBR researcher a letter of commitment by the Grantee is necessary and should state that the researcher will be supported and facilitated for the whole research period. A Grant Application must be co-signed by the financial director of the research institute (Grantee).
A grant is only awarded when the applicant has received written confirmation signed by the chair and the director of the LSBR.